Data: In the past 24 hours, OxyaOriginProject topped the list with a trading volume of over 4,300 ETH

Time:2022-01-07 02:30 Source:Internet Copy share

According to the news on January 7, OpenSea data shows that in the past 24 hours, the NFT project OxyaOriginProject ranked first with a transaction volume of 4355.7 ETH, and the floor price was 1.44 ETH. It is understood that OxyaOriginProjectNFT contains 7898 3D characters, divided into 9 tribes, with more than 250 attributes. The NFT was designed by designers such as Laury Guintrand (The Avengers, The Witcher, and Fantastic Four) and has partnered with companies such as Netflix, Ubisoft, and Riot Games.

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