Grayscale lists 25 cryptocurrencies as inspection items and plans to add them to digital assets

Time:2022-01-25 02:30 Source:Internet Copy share

The official announcement states that "Assets under consideration" lists some digital assets that are not currently included in Grayscale's investment products, but we have noted as part of our exploration of the field, and our team It has been determined that these digital assets may be included in future investment products. With the latest update in January 2022, we added one asset to the Product Family column and 25 assets to the Assets under consideration column (see image below for a list). We will continue to update this list as the digital asset ecosystem expands and we review more assets. Note: This list is for illustrative purposes only, not every asset will become one of the investment products, Grayscale may explore other assets for inclusion in Grayscale products in addition to the assets listed in the asset table under consideration.


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