Hacker City, a new land parcel in Decentraland, was sold for 250,000 MANA, ranking sixth in US dollar transaction value

Time:2022-01-07 06:00 Source:Internet Copy share

On January 7, according to the latest data, Hacker City, a new land parcel in Decentraland, was sold for 250,000 MANA, or about $897,500, ranking sixth in the series in terms of dollar transaction volume. The current top 5 parcels are: 1. Fashion Street Estate, $2.42 million (618,000 MANA) 2. BookLocal-Hotel Booking, $1.08 million (210,000 MANA) 3. VentureEstates, $1.03 million (30 10,000 MANA) 4. Home, $939,000 (300,000 MANA) 5. Decentraland #4247, $914,000 (1.29 million MANA)

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