ens of thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars
Even tens of millions of dollars in NFT
These are so sensational stories
But it's a real reality
What exactly is NFT?
NFT stands for frequent digital assets out of the circle
A digital mosaic painting at Christie’s auction
Sold for $69.35 million
The weird thing is
The winning bidder did not get anything tangible
No painting
No prints
But got a digital token of NFT
NFT is a non-homogeneous token
What is different from other digital assets is
It is unique and indivisible
Two bitcoins can be exchanged at will
In the digital world
All content can be copied without restriction
But there are many assets and scenes that are not allowed to be copied
Such as artworks, collections, intellectual property rights, identity authentication, etc.
NFT every asset
It can naturally express its unique and complete value existence
This represents a future of digital value
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